About Us

Hello and welcome to Easy Healthy Lifestyle! I’m Monique Tello, the founder of this blog and your guide on this journey towards a more fulfilling, healthier life.

Who Am I?

I’m a MPH, passionate about health, wellness, and making healthy living accessible to everyone. I believe that a healthier lifestyle doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive; it’s about making small, sustainable changes that have a big impact over time.

Why “Easy Healthy Lifestyle”?

The mission of this blog is encapsulated in its name: Easy Healthy Lifestyle. Too often, people are overwhelmed by the vast array of health information available and think that living a healthier lifestyle is hard or requires drastic changes. My aim is to simplify wellness, providing easy-to-follow guides, tips, and tricks to make living a healthy life easier for you.

What Can You Expect?

Here on Easy Healthy Lifestyle, you’ll find articles covering a wide range of topics including:

  • Nutritious recipes that are quick and simple to prepare
  • Exercise tips for people of all fitness levels
  • Reviews of health and wellness products that actually work
  • Mindfulness and mental health resources
  • And much more!

Join the Community

I invite you to join our community of like-minded individuals who are taking steps to better their lives. Subscribe to our newsletter for regular updates, and feel free to reach out to me with any questions, suggestions, or stories you’d like to share.

Thank you for being here, and I look forward to guiding you on your easy, healthy lifestyle journey.

Warm regards,
Monique Tello